Customer Testimonials

I wanted to take the time to inform you that the scores we are receiving for your articles are very positive, and I would like to congratulate you for the excellent quality. In addition, I wanted to inform that your articles are going to skip one level of QA.

A.Yoshimoto, Argos

I would like to share with you the feedbacks we’ve recently received for three of your articles. The scorecards are attached.

Quality is super good 😊 

W. Solarek, Argos

Great service and quality translation. Very much a get-things-done attitude with great leadership skills. Her work, as well as her approach to work, is impeccable. 
           Thank you for your exceptional services this year, Geneviève! 

M. Hammoud, JD Power - Autodata Solutions

I am pleased to give you an enthusiastic recommendation for Geneviève Benoit’s services. I hired her on a regular basis  from 2010 – 2017, until I sold my business. I would hire her again without hesitation.
My business was a combination upscale Pilates Studio and Certification School based in Montreal, Canada. Our translation needs were varied and complex. The business had 3 components, each requiring a different “voice”. The Pilates studio “voice” was warm and sophisticated. The Physical Rehab clinic required clean, medically-focused translations. The Certification School required technical translations and the creation of a lexicon of terminology to be used with our French affiliates in France, Switzerland and Belgium. 
Geneviève’s translations surpassed my expectations every time. She responded to my request for price quotes promptly. Her turn-around time for translations was very efficient. Her writing conveyed exactly what we wanted to communicate to our clients. Her research and selection of medical terms and technical terms for the lexicon has proven to be accepted and understood by both European and North American students. 
Genevieve has a special gift for languages and a strong work ethic. I’m certain you’ll be happy with her work.
Geneviève is a thoughtful & intuitive translator who captures the essence of what my company is trying to communicate. She is prompt to respond to requests and her efficient turn-around time means my projects stay on schedule. 
J. Underhill, Studio Praxis

Excellente traduction et révision.

S. Poirier, Generix Group

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